Thursday, June 7, 2012


So this is my oldest sister Addie, we went to the beach that day and it was bright so I had to adjust the brightness and contrast a lot but I think it turned out pretty good. There's a shadow of the film though because light got into the development process.

This one same thing with the accidental light, but I love her face it this one. 
This is Grace as well, although not from the same contact sheet because not enough of her came out and I wasn't sure how many I needed. I love her face in this one :)

I looooove this one! I'm so glad it turned out without any film shadow. I really like the hat and sunglasses and the way she turns away and laughs really catches her personality.

So this is the contact sheet, unfortunately a LOT of it couldn't be printed because light got into the canister somehow during the developmet process. There was enough of them in good enough conditions to print though, which I was really happy about. I'll also probably be using a couple pictures from a previous role though.

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